Saturday, September 5, 2009

Moonlight's nice to just stop and listen. We're soposed to be loading up to head to the lake today. Mom & Neto have gone ahead. It takes so much time getting the little ones together, so they escaped quietly to make for an early arrival.

I jumped onto facebook real quick (it's a habit, I had to check it before we left. We've only got dial-up down at the lake, so I usually fall quite behind when we are away). A friend of my posted this. Simply Marvelous. At the same time, it makes me sad. I always wanted to play piano. I've owned a keyboard most of my life. Mom offered to send me for music lessons when I was 14. I declined. Nothing scared me more than being alone with someone I didn't know...oh but that's a long story. husband is a musical wizard. He does not read music, but he can figure out just about any instrument in minutes. He plays guitar, keyboard and a handful of other instruments you may not know, like the jarana and huapanguera. He is also teaching himself to play violin now. I'm so glad we share this love of music. He enjoyed this piece as well, so now I share with you. Have a wonderful weekend!

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About Me

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I am a 30-something year old mother of three. My eldest is about to complete his first year of school...Kindergarten! I thought that was going to be the most difficult challenge this year. I was wrong. I am also mom to Two in Diapers (hence the name of this blog). Balancing life is a struggle, and most often, I have had to put many of my passions on hold. My husband is an angel, and if it weren't for him (he being who he is), I don't know how I would survive. Little by little, I am trying to put everything back in order. The last 24 months have been very rocky. It started with my baby sister being diagnosed with cancer, shortly followed by my father's death. Over the months, we have been slammed time after time by devastating news, but we are surviving as a family. I hope you will join me as I try to piece the story together, both past and present.