Monday, September 7, 2009

Sunset Meets Audrey Under the Moon

I love art projects, crafting and creating. With the little ones running around however, it is rare to have a moment to sit quietly and create something new. A friend of mine recently introduced me to Polyvore. I would describe this web-based application as a high-tech, digital world of decoupage.

The premise is to "shop" images from all over the internet (retail sites, photography networks, clip art, etc.) and paste them onto your own canvas. While the themes revolve heavily around fashion and style, there are a multitude of items to choose from. The 900,000 registered users make up a diverse community of participants stemming from all backgrounds and cultures. Once a profile is created, the site allows members to publish their own unique “sets” or collages, which they can then post into different categories. Users may also browse and even rate fellow contributors. This generates the opportunity for socializing and networking with a vast audience that seems to be made up of everyone from tween Twilight addicts to serious artist with verifiable credentials.

Most of all, it is just fun. With the click, drop-and-drag functionality, Polyvore is quite simple to use. I’ve found the trickiest part to be the layering of the elements in order to achieve the dimension I am aiming for. As a mother of Two in Diapers, I am enjoying this new art form that does not require me to negotiate with my toddlers who’d like to dip their fingers into the glue that they’ve just spilled. In other words, I’ve found it to be 100% baby proof.

So far, I’ve only published two pieces publicly. I have several other drafts that I hope to add to my gallery later this week. If I get real good at it, I may even join some of the contests that are sponsored by big names like Bloomingdales, Saks and The Gap. With prizes ranging from $25 gift cards to $1000 shopping sprees, it might be an interesting way to replenish my wardrobe. Even if I don't win, at least I can build a wish list or virtual collection of gift ideas given that most images are of merchandise and artwork that can be purchased by following the links to the retail sites.

I am still learning the ropes, but am truly enjoying it.

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About Me

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I am a 30-something year old mother of three. My eldest is about to complete his first year of school...Kindergarten! I thought that was going to be the most difficult challenge this year. I was wrong. I am also mom to Two in Diapers (hence the name of this blog). Balancing life is a struggle, and most often, I have had to put many of my passions on hold. My husband is an angel, and if it weren't for him (he being who he is), I don't know how I would survive. Little by little, I am trying to put everything back in order. The last 24 months have been very rocky. It started with my baby sister being diagnosed with cancer, shortly followed by my father's death. Over the months, we have been slammed time after time by devastating news, but we are surviving as a family. I hope you will join me as I try to piece the story together, both past and present.